image of principal

Principal’s Welcome – Inspire Today, to Empower Tomorrow

Reece High school is a co-educational 7-12 school in Devonport, Tasmania with a current enrolment of approximately 450 students. As a result of a major redevelopment in 2002, we are a state of the art educational facility and present our community with an amazing resource to use outside of school hours. The school has excellent amenities, including bright, modern classrooms and extensive, landscaped outdoor spaces and sporting fields.

Reece High School serves the town of Devonport and surrounding communities. It was established in 1955 and was named after former Premier of Tasmania, Eric Reece. Spreyton, Miandetta, Hillcrest, and East Devonport Primary are associated feeder primary schools.

It is an absolute privilege to be principal of Reece High School where we are committed to our school vision of “Inspire Today, to Empower Tomorrow”. It is our mission to empower all members of our school community to achieve the highest levels in their academic, personal and social growth. Our focus on Excellence in Teaching and Learning is underpinned by high quality relationships within the school and the best evidence based practices available.

We have a committed group of staff who have high expectations in relation to learning and behaviour and this has impacted greatly on student outcomes. In 2017 we were recognised for being in the top 14 schools in the state for “growth in learning” due to our NAPLAN results. This is a direct result of our teachers building positive relationships with our students and ensuring high levels of learning takes place in every classroom.

Our Catch –Up Literacy and Numeracy programs have seen significant gains for those students that are not at the grade appropriate standard. We make no apologies for putting appropriate interventions in place to ensure that all students are learning at high levels. Developing a “Growth Mindset” in our students has impacted greatly on their ability to make improvements in their learning.

We pride ourselves on knowing each and every students individual learning needs. This allows us to differentiate learning opportunities to enable all students to achieve at a grade appropriate standard. We also provide enrichment/extension opportunities for students who achieve above the grade appropriate standard.

All actions at Reece High School are guided by our school values. These are:

Respect: Respecting ourselves, others, our past and our environment

Responsibility: Taking positive ownership of our actions and outcomes and making the most of opportunities

Best Effort: Greatest possible effort, even when it is difficult or challenging

Inclusiveness: Treating all people fairly, equitably and with empathy

Student leadership and contribution to school life is a vital aspect of our school community. Examples of leadership roles include Prefects, Grade 9 Leadership, Junior School Council, Health and Wellbeing Team, and Canteen Committee. Student views are sought on a range of matters relating to the school and its programs.

We have a Work Experience Program that enables students’ access to the world of work in conjunction with My Education Programs to clarify and help them plan for their future.

I would love to have the opportunity in showing you around our school and sharing with you how these elements come to life in our classrooms, across our Realising Potential (Option) subjects and in the students that you see at Reece High School.