In 2017, Reece High School, in partnership with Don College, Latrobe High School, Devonport High School and Sheffield School, expanded to provide Year 11 education in the High Schools of our region.

There is no longer a one-size fits all approach to grade 11 and 12 study. Even though the majority of our students transition to Don College, students have the opportunity to stay at Reece High School and enrol in a range of courses that suit their personal needs.

Students that choose to stay at Reece High School enjoy a personalised program, small class sizes, excellent tuition, high quality learning spaces, their own tablet computer and a supportive school environment with which they are familiar and comfortable.

Students can enrol at Reece High School for Year 11 and/or 12 as a full-time student and in some cases there may be the opportunity for a student to be a dual enrolment, with some classes at Reece High School and some classes at Don College. This cannot be guaranteed however, and will be determined by class sizes and availability at Don College. Mrs Bernadette Hawkes is our AST for the North West Coalition and will work individually with students and families to ensure that course preferences can be accommodated and that students’ progress seamlessly from Year 10 into Year 11, and Year 11 into Year 12.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bernadette on 64208100.

Listed below are links to websites that contain useful information when considering your pathway for Years 11 & 12: